Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Biden Busted

Chinese Elites Paid $31 Million to Biden Family Proving Joe Biden is a Puppet of the CCP

Many astute Americans wonder how Joe Biden could mess up so many things so terribly. It seems unconscionable that one administration could get so much wrong. The worst part about it is that Biden ran on his supposedly valuable asset as an experienced politician.

Has the Joe Biden administration simply made a string of inept decisions? That’s what the radical left might hope we believe. When we connect all the dots, it becomes increasingly evident that these apparent blunders have all been carefully orchestrated.

The collective chaos and calamity Americans now experience was the plan from day one. It began with Biden’s undercutting of U.S. energy independence. From this point, all we need to do is start to follow the money trail.

Read about Biden Busted

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