Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other ‘Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes’ For Calling Him A Murderer

"Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of all charges stemming from an August 2020 shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, plans to sue a spate of celebrities, athletes and organizations for calling him a ‘murderer.’

Rittenhouse, who killed two men and wounded a third in self-defense after being pursued during an anti-police protest, told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he wants to hold major media and entertainment figures accountable – starting with talk show host Whoopie Goldberg."

Kyle, with a constitution of a 30 years old, said, “My trial exposed a deep corruption in our media that cannot go unanswered. Their blatant lies, defamation, and propaganda were malicious attempts to tear our nation apart and destroy my life — and I am committed to holding them accountable … Me and my team have decided to launch The Media Accountability Project as a tool to help fundraise and hold the media accountable for the lies they said and deal with them in court.”

Read about Kyle...

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