Wednesday, February 23, 2022

"Don't Say Gay" bill withdrawn

Florida's "Don't say Gay" bill

A proposed amendment to Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill would require schools to inform parents of their child’s sexual orientation within six weeks of disclosure, otherwise known as “outing.”

House Bill 1557 bars educators from talking about sexual orientation or gender identity in elementary schools or at any grade level when a lesson is considered not “age appropriate.” It would allow parents to sue schools over perceived violations.

The bill requires schools to inform families of their child’s LBTQ+ status, should the student inform a teacher, counselor, or other personnel. In the originally filed version, the bill leaves an option for exemption from disclosure for instances where there was a suspicion of the information leading to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. [middleamericanews]

Because of widespread condemnation by Gays and even the Biden administration, bill sponsor Rep. Joe Harding withdrew the amendment on Tuesday.

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