Friday, December 24, 2021

The Virus will end if politics is abandoned says China

China Sends Veiled Threat To The West: ‘Your Pandemic Won’t End in 2022’

The Global Times quoted “Chinese observers” who said the pandemic will only end if W.H.O. can “play a leading role in ending vaccine inequity and developing more effective vaccines, truly unite member states and global scientists, and abandon politicization.”

In other words, stop saying that the virus was developed in a lab in Wuhan!

"After @WHO chief warns over fast spread of #Omicron and states world must end the pandemic in 2022, Chinese experts say precondition for an end lies in if WHO can play leading role in ending vaccine inequity, unite member states and abandon politicization."— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) December 21, 2021

Read about it... and the Happy New Year message from Communist China who nearly brought down the world economy.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't blame China for the current economic situation. I would blame the idiots who issued lock-down orders, rendering business unable to open, and employees unable to go to work.

    Now, the people aren't fit to go to work. Their brains are addled, and they have lost whatever work-ethic they may have had.

    We've only begun to pay the price for this stupidity.
