Friday, December 24, 2021

Liberals are still trying to convince that the 2020 Election was Legit

Hilarious Wisconsin Probe Finds “No Fraud,” Just Lots of Dead Voters

"Is it just me, or has the quality of gaslighting in America really gone downhill the past few years? If you’re going to tell me a big, bold lie with a straight face, that lie probably shouldn’t make me burst out laughing. But that’s exactly what I did when reading a newly issued report from a supposedly nonpartisan public-interest law firm in Wisconsin.

The legal group that issued this new report out of the blue is called the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL). It’s kind of convenient that a group claiming to have “proven” that there was no voter fraud in Wisconsin in 2020 – a group that no one had heard of before this – suddenly issues this report in the run-up to the Special Counsel’s upcoming report. The Special Counsel’s interim report proved conclusively last month that fraud did take place, and he’s going to run it down.

WILL proclaims in the report, “There was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.”

That’s a definitive statement. NO evidence. None. Zero. Zip. Nada!

The report then states that the number of illegally cast votes in Wisconsin in 2020 almost certainly exceeded Joe Biden’s margin of victory.

Just remember that the WILL report concluded that felons, people from other states, and dead people voting is not “evidence” of voter fraud. They found a grand total of 156,301 illegally cast votes in Wisconsin – nearly EIGHT TIMES Joe Biden’s margin of victory – but there was “no fraud.” Most safe and secure election ever!"

Read about it...

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