Thursday, November 18, 2021

Occupier of White House is dangerous for America

‘Where Is Everybody?’ ‘Worried’ Biden Appears to Get Disoriented During Bill Signing Ceremony

And they want us to believe that 81 million people voted for him?

“And now it’s my honor to sign an executive order, and a couple of my friends are going to be coming out here, I’m told, cabinet members,” he said. “But, you know, can we go? Where is everybody? Jill — Jill’s here, the attorney general, we’ve got them all. Everybody’s here. All right, Jill. I don’t know what was going on back there, but I — we’re all here. OK. I was worried you won’t come out. Good to see you. All right.”

Boy, is our country in trouble! And not one Democrat will admit it...why not?

Read about it...

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