Thursday, November 18, 2021

JOYless Reid of MSNBC

Joy Reid fumes over Biden approval rating, calls Americans ungrateful: 'I guess they spent the whole $2,000'

MSNBC host annoyed Biden not more popular with Americans who got 'the shots and checks'

We have two "Joys" who are both joyless and consumed by Trump derangement syndrome as well as just plain ignorance.

While Reid praised Biden for "the shots," she is one of several left-wing figures who cast doubt on the effectiveness of the vaccines when former President Trump was in office. One of the most hyper-partisan figures on cable news, Reid regularly attacks political opponents in sharp, personal terms, such as when she recently cast parents worried about education in Virginia as racists.

Justellthetruthliberals: It's the Liberal "How dare you want more!!!" mindset. How they want us to be under their totalitarian government. Socialism always fails because it doesn't factor in the human need to better ourselves.

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