Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Invasion Joe!

Massive Migrant Caravan Grows as it Marches Toward USA

The problems on the southern border are compounding.

Since Joe Biden took office, there is nothing but one disaster after another. Both Joe and Kamala, the border Czar, have been missing in action. Why do they continually break the law by allowing this migration to happen? Why are they flying illegals throughout the country in the middle of the night?

Biden took the following oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President becomes the President (Section 1) or Acting President (Sections 3 or 4). Bu,t both of them are NOT doing the job that they swore to do.

Biden wants to preserve more wilderness but what about the citizens of the United States? What about all his disastrous decisions? The supreme responsibility of the president is to protect our system of government and that means our laws. BUILD THE WALL!

“The caravan is like a magnet, it goes sucking up people, migrants who had been in the towns (of coastal Chiapas) are joining,” said Irineo Mújica, an immigration activist with the organization People without Borders.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. I saw a group of 5 of them walking in town the other day. Are they part of the caravan?
