Saturday, October 30, 2021

Obama, the biggest fabricator of all!

Obama Smears Republicans with False Accusations, ‘Everything He Said Is A Lie’

Democrats have perfected the art of the lie

"Why is Barack Obama opening his mouth about anything. He didn’t do anything but divide this country in a way that has led us to the position that we’re in today.

He wanted to make everything about race and the Democrats took that flame and added more fuel to the fire over the years.

Now, here we are with CRT, segregation and the most divisive population that we’ve ever had."



  1. It's hard to figure him out, but it seems his whole life has been play-acting.

    Personally, I go along with what Jason Whitlock said about him.

  2. Jason Whitlock: "Just Because Obama Told You Otherwise Doesn't Mean It's Okay To Throw Out Your Values"

  3. Jason Whitlock: An extraordinary human being. A man among men.
