Friday, October 22, 2021

Soros-Funded Prosecutors Put ‘Social Justice’ Above Law and Order

Soros Helped Elect Loudoun Prosecutor Who Wanted Jail Time for Dad Whose Daughter Was Allegedly Raped

Buta Biberaj appears to be a member of what one Heritage Foundation report refers to as the “rogue prosecutors movement,” a campaign made up of progressive prosecutors across the country — funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros — aimed at “promoting the fundamental transformation of our criminal justice system.”

Biberaj ran on a George Soros-funded campaign against mass incarcerations.

Buta Biberaj personally prosecuted dad Scott Smith, 48, after he was arrested at a raucous June 22 public meeting, Loudoun Now noted at the time.

Despite facing charges including forcible sodomy, the accused rapist was only made to wear an ankle monitor and move to a different school — where earlier this month he was accused of a similar sex attack on another pupil.

Read about it...


  1. Well, he won't live forever!

  2. Yhe problem here is, he has his Open Society Foundation that will continue to give to globalists, socialists, communists long after Soros kicks the bucket.
