Friday, October 22, 2021

Democrats' Socialist "Wish-List" at expense of America

The 7 Blood-Boiling Items Hidden Inside Biden's $3.5 Trillion Socialist Wish List

1. “Handouts” for the wealthy, and bailouts for failing establishment media organizations
2. A cloaked “Green New Deal” that would put small businesses under
3. Weaponizing the IRS
4. Targeting American energy independence through taxes
5. Dishonestly hiding a provision to offer amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants
6. Biden’s agenda would create a “slush fund” to be used for “socialist pet projects.”
7. Biden’s agenda would completely abandon rural Americans

So, now that they are getting closer to reducing this outlandish $3.5 trillion, what horrible tyrannical, socialistic, communistic items will still be left?

Read in depth about the items

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