Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Insanity Abounds! Biden wants to Eiminate Cash Bail

Biden releases ‘gender equity’ plan that calls for eliminating cash bail

Fox News reports: President Biden’s plan to promote gender equity includes a proposal to eliminate cash bail for suspects, despite a rise in violent crime across the country. “We are also committed to increasing federal oversight and accountability for police departments and prosecutors’ offices to address systemic misconduct, including gender bias and sexual misconduct,” reads part of a 42-page White House report entitled the National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality.

“And we will work to end cash bail and reform our pretrial system, recognizing the harm these processes cause, particularly for Black women and families.”

Who is really running this funny farm? Do they have anything to talk about other than a false narrative of racial discrimination, you know, the racism that Omari Hardy promotes every day to divide our country?

Read about it...

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