Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Biden's Socialists/Communists want to tax Unrealized Gains

Democrats now want to tax people’s stock gains before they sell them to help pay for Biden's massive social spending bill

Communists want you to pay taxes on money you made on paper!

"Democratic leadership over the weekend began suggesting a new way to pay for President Biden's multitrillion-dollar social policy and climate action spending bill — a tax on wealthy people's unrealized capital gains.

Unrealized capital gains are increases in value of stock purchases that the purchaser has yet to "realize" by selling the stock at its new price.

Democrats trying every way to garner more taxes. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen believes this would be a tax on  billionaires' stock gains as well as other assets like real estate," people who already pay the brunt of the tax. She doesn't mention the hundreds of thousands of ordinary hard-working Americans who are not billonaires and who have invested in the stock market.



  1. "...those with over $1 billion in assets or three straight years of income over $100 million..."

    I'm not going to spend too much time worrying about this.

  2. @8:23...that's just the start of the money grab. Democrats justify everything they do and it eventually escalates.
    As Senator Tim Scott said, "This administration is antithetical to all things free enterprise, hoping for liberty and justice for all."

  3. Well, I think the rich, especially the ultra-rich, need to pay their fair share. Anything that can be done for that to happen, I am for. We've given them loads of tax breaks in the past, it's not a bad thing to have them pay more this time around. It helps everyone especially the people who don't have as much as they do. I want to keep receiving my social security checks. I want Medicare to remain solvent. This is one way of helping to do that.

  4. @9:03...I think the ultra rich pay their fair share. I would be looking, however, at off-shore accounts and them as well as corporations hiding their income.
