Monday, September 13, 2021

The Scammer

Meet the man at the center of a shadowy multimillion-dollar ‘scam PAC’ network

Normally I would never print anything from Salon but this is an exception.

A super PAC that claims to advocate for wounded veterans raised millions of dollars this year, but spent only $18,000 of it on political activity. The rest of the money was spun off to administrative and marketing services, including to three companies belonging to one person — a former long-shot Democratic congressional candidate, self-published author, certified nutrition-label reader and serial hustler in East Tennessee named Alan Bohms.

The organization, called American Wounded Veterans PAC, bears hallmarks of what campaign finance watchdogs call a “scam PAC” — a for-profit fundraising vehicle that professes to advocate for a cause but makes no clear promise on how it will spend the money raised, and in reality intends to keep most of it, or pay it out to affiliated contractors.

I continue to give to Veteran causes and had to check if I had given to this one.

Read about the scammer

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