Monday, September 13, 2021

Biden wants Mass Vaccinations - Governor DeSantis says "NO"

DeSantis Responds to Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: ‘In Florida, We Will Fight Back’

Gov. Ron DeSantis said his state will fight back against President Joe Biden’s plan for the Labor Department to draft an emergency rule that would require all employers with 100 or more employees “ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.”

“Yesterday’s White House spectacle was a desperate attempt to regain control of the narrative and distract from the Biden administration’s abject failures: Afghanistan, the border crisis, and the COVID-19 response.”

Read about our great Governor


  1. DeSantis should pick his battles carefully. This is never going to materialize, and he could have been championing a more worthwhile cause.

    DeSantis makes more people happy when he works on keeping the waterways clear of algae, and the beaches clear of drilling residue.

    It's about making people happy, not ginning up a hard core base that is already with you.

  2. Governor DeSantis speaks on facts of the matter and does not play that Democrat political game of speaking favorably on vaccine mandates--and what he said is so obviously TRUE. Democrats just won't admit that. Nice to have a honest elected official.

  3. I like the Governor as well, but I want him to appeal to more than just the choir.

  4. Mandates that violate our constitutional rights will affect everyone, not just "the choir". Glad that Desantis is defending our rights.
