Monday, September 27, 2021

FBI’s suspicious activities prior to and during the January 6 "riot"

FBI Undercover Agent on January 6 Received Text That Confirms No Trump-Led Plot to Overturn 2020 Election

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been outed in a New York Times piece for having undercover agents working the Capitol riot on January 6.

Furthermore, the FBI agent was collaborating with a Proud Boys informant who confirmed there was no centralized plot to overturn the 2020 election results on Donald Trump’s behalf. As has been oft-repeated, the pro-Trump attendees were not part of any ‘pre-planned attack.’

Read about it... as the Democrats continue on with their next HOAX with the aim of "getting" Trump through their Jan 6 Select Committee.


  1. So the FBI put this whole thing together and got thousands of Trump supporters to do things they never would do otherwise in order to arrest them and make them look bad and then kill the woman protestor.

    All the signs were there. OMG, why didn't I see this before?

  2. Because you are a Biden supporter and stuck in S_____.

  3. If Biden supporters could have seen this coming, why cant they have seen the disaster Biden would create?

    Pedo Joe gotta GO!

  4. Hey, wasn't it antifa? Or maybe it was antifa who were tricked by the FBI informants. If it was, I'm glad the FBI did it because I hate antifa. But maybe it wasn't antifa after that case it's the Deep State FBI trying to make MAGA look bad.

    It's starting to come together!

  5. Yes! You're exactly right, 5:28! When DOJ tells us that 600 people have been arrested thus far for January 6th, what they really mean is 100 Trump supporters...and the website they have set up tracking all the cases. TOTAL BS!!! The Deep State is outta control!

    You're one of the smart ones, I gotta tell you. This is all gonna come out one of these days just like the fake moon landing. Have you heard about that one?

  6. @6:48--the "fake" moon landing? LOL. There will always be conspiracy theorists--the Internet has made it possible for people to say whatever the hell they like to a broader number of people than ever before. Moon Landing happened just like protesters at the capitol were infiltrated by anarchists. Not one Trump supporter had a gun. The only person killed there was Ashli Babbitt who was unarmed and killed by the Capitol Police who had let them all into the capitol to begin with.

  7. You nailed it, Lynn. When the media reported in June that the 4th Capitol rioter had been charged with a firearms offense, those guys were either antifa or FBI informants. None of them charged then or since have been proved to actually support Trump. And if there was "proof," it wasn't anything you or I would believe anyway. "Proof" is for losers.

    Like that "proof" of all that video showing those antifa and FBI agents smashing windows to get into the Capitol building. Like, really? Who believes videos anymore?

    Here's that stupid story of those 4 guys carrying gun on the Capitol grounds. You won't believe it. They write it like it actually happened!!!! LOL!

  8. I just read the article...not much to it as far as carrying guns on Jan 6. One had some arms in his truck...another showed up the next day after the protest.

  9. describes that the FBI designed, promoted, and facilitated the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping that never happened. FBI’s fomenting crimes to go after political enemies AND to make themselves appear heroic goes back to at least J Edgar Hoover.
