Monday, September 27, 2021

Biden losing on all fronts, not just the Border

Free Pass on Immigration Over?

As he extends Trump-era policies, President Biden discovers that many voters are no longer willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

The more the Democrats focus on the fake whipping story, the less they can deflect from the disintegration of the southern border.

Joe Biden welcomed a “surge” to the border during the general election campaign, and now he’s getting it.

Even Democrats are finally waking up to the truth. You can see it in his poll numbers.

A Harvard poll said: “Immigration is boiling up as an issue." And since this poll was taken, the situation is dire at our border that Biden has completely ignored..

Add it to increasing voter concerns about inflation, taxes, and the critical race theory controversy, and this could be a summer of woe for Democrats. “These are not good numbers for Democrats,” said an adviser to House Republicans."

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