Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Democrat Slams Biden

One Lib Reporter Tried To Praise Biden For Afghanistan


Mat Zeller has made his mark as a former CIA officer and U.S. Army ranger who had served as an embedded combat adviser who worked with Afghan Security Forces. He recently mocked MSNBC host Brian Williams to his face on Monday because he praised Joe Biden’s speech on Afghanistan.

Who in the heck can understand what happened to MSNBC's Brian Williams. I used to believe he had some common sense at least.

Before he talked to Zeller – also a former Democratic candidate for the U.S. Congress who even admitted that he himself had voted for Biden – Williams commended Biden and claimed that he had “owned his decision” and he “didn’t run from it.”

“I’ll never forgive my country for doing this,” Zeller said flatly.

Read about it...

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