Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Lake Worth Commission wants to slow-down speeders on Federal Highway

Speeders in Lake Worth

We see them every day; they are all over some major roads within our city...6th Avenue South comes to mind immediately as well as Lake Osborne Drive.

"Residents of Lake Worth Beach have long complained to city commissioners about the speeders along Federal Highway. Now officials are trying to do something about it."

There are never cops around when you need them it seems.

We, out here in the western community along Lake Osborne Drive, part of the most neglected district in Lake Worth, have been trying to get traffic calming for a very long time as the county road is dangerous to cross for wildlife and humans alike. Senior citizens live along a long strip of road. I forward photos of destruction and dead wildlife to no avail. We are ignored and silence is the mantra.

The commission, however, is all involved now with roundabouts on Federal Highway to slow down the traffic there. FDOT would have to approve of the project and FDOT would pay for it.

Read the Palm Beach Post article


  1. I'm all for slowing down speeders, but how about some punitive measures as well. Cameras and other technology would be able to identify speeders, and fines and suspensions would seem to work as well as roundabouts.

    People have been getting away with too much for too long on the roadways. Police car stops are too dangerous, and since something has to be done, let's think of something that would work rather than fantasize about costly construction projects.

  2. I despise roundabouts

  3. I understand the police need to "catch" the person speeding. Seeing it on camera doesn't work. I have to admit, the speeding cars are a pretty scary thing, and I am not by any means, an "elderly".

    Speedbumps are needed, roudabouts are needed, stop signs, etc. Something needs to be done before someone gets killed.

  4. if you despise roudabouts than go out to 95

  5. I'm used to the one by the high school. That has worked out well.

  6. The Police can't catch the speeders 7:16. That leads to more accidents and shootings. We have the technology, we should use it.

  7. ROLO has asked for traffic calming on Lake Osborne Dr for years. As usual,crickets. A round a Bout on the corner of 12th Ave south and Lake Osborne Dr would help.

  8. A roundabout on 12th and Lake Osborne Dr would help for that area, but what about north of 6th ave bridge? Anyone who has political clout should stay in the ear of the politician. Speed bumps or something else is truly needed. Maybe more speed bumps would even deter the kids on dirt bikes speeding down the middle of the street.

  9. From Commissioner Malega--
    Good morning Ms. Anderson

    Thank you for sharing this detailed information with me. I can not speculate as to why the request of Lake Osborne residents has been ignored. I can, however, tell you I am working on solutions for both Osborne Community as well as Lake O. residents desires for traffic calming. Once we have a concrete plan and time line (assume after budget) I will notify you.

    Be well!

    Thank you,

    Sarah Malega
    City Commissioner | District 1
