Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Biden and the Labor Unions

Labor Unions Spent Nearly $2 Billion On 2020 Election Cycle, Study Finds

Labor unions spent around $1.8 billion on “political activities and lobbying” during the 2020 election cycle, a study published last Friday by the National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR) concluded.

The vast majority of funds, more than $1.4 billion, came from the general treasuries of private sector unions while the remaining funds came from public sector unions and union political action committees (PACs), according to the study.

Biden, then the Democratic nominee, pledged last year to be the “strongest labor president you have ever had.” The president has pursued a number of pro-union policies since taking office, according to The Wall Street Journal. He also nominated former union officials to top posts at the Labor and Education Departments.

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