Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Biden strong-arming Facebook to censor Anti-Vaxers?

Biden Says Facebook is ‘Killing People’ with ‘Misinformation’

"Facebook has quickly found itself on the path to becoming a pop culture villain, and the White House seems to be turning on Mark Zuckerberg’s social media morass to boot.

The platform has become a 'big brother' of sorts, tracking and harvesting its user data, and then selling that data to the folks at various advertising houses so that they can study our behavior and better infiltrate our everyday lives, (and wallets)."

Read about it...

Of course, what Biden meant was all the posts by anti-vaxers on Facebook he believes are killing people. He is working with Facebook to have these people censored.

Biden's Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, specifically called for more censorship from Big Tech when it comes to “misinformation” about Covid.

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