Tuesday, July 20, 2021

4th Circuit Rules in Favor of Guns

Congress may not restrict the rights of an entire group of law-abiding adults

Liberals across America are going spastic. California’s historically ultra-liberal 4th Circuit Court of Appeals just voted 2-1 in favor of guns. More specifically, Second Amendment rights which guarantee any 18-year-old American citizen the right to purchase and bear arms.

Gun grabbing liberals who want deplorable White nationalists disarmed at any cost can’t accept the proposition that “people who are old enough to vote and serve in the military” can ever “be trusted with the awesome responsibility that is handgun ownership.”

We even have a commissioner in Lake Worth who doesn't know that an AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle...it never has been, and it never will be. It's not a weapon of war. It just looks like one. Herman was behind the closing of the gun show at the Scottish Rite Temple.

Read about it...

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