Saturday, June 26, 2021

PBSO now harassing citizens?

Cops Now Using Facebook Posts To Bust Anti-Maskers

This woman committed NO crime but was harassed by law enforcement for a post on social media.

Mother of three, Angelique Contreras whose family came from Cuba to get away from communism, received an intimidating late-night knock on the door from a Palm Beach County law enforcement officer after she published anti-mask posts on Facebook which sounded like a joke.

Read about it


  1. Is she sure it wasn't the Google Police after they tracked her URL?


  2. Sometimes you pick the strangest people to take up their cause. This woman is obviously a nut case, and you try to present this as normal behavior.

    You yourself would never act like that, so why defend it in some half-wit.

    You're known by the company you keep.

  3. @8:23...presenting what happened anonymous.
    I cant judge who is or who is NOT normal
