Saturday, June 26, 2021

Biden now will reduce our Navy fleet

Military experts express grave concerns over Biden’s goals for the U.S. Navy

Navy’s firepower degraded...Biden reverting to Obama approach of "Divest to Invest" that never worked

The report noted that in addition to abandoning Trump's goal of building 500 new naval vessels by 2045, this year’s “budget blueprint also proposes a 9% degradation in the fleet’s overall firepower.”

Sen. Susan Collins said that China “now has the world’s largest navy, has about 60 more ships than our own fleet, and has surpassed our own 355-ship goal.”

“The Office of Naval Intelligence projects that China will have 400 battle-force ships by the year 2025,” she added, remarking that the United States presently has just 296 ships in its fleet, far short of the requirement set forth by Congress that the U.S. Navy has at least 355 ships in service.

Read about it...

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