Saturday, June 12, 2021

More Socialist Policy by Joe

Biden Erases Yet Another Trump-Era Policy, Nixes Rule to Keep 3 Million People Living on Government Dime

Now, the Biden administration has scrapped a 2019 proposal that sought to end the ability of states to set their own income and assets limits for the program by getting an exemption from the federal limits

"The proposal, issued in 2019, would have tightened the rules governing who qualifies for food stamps. It would have curtailed so-called broad-based categorical eligibility, which makes it easier for Americans with somewhat higher incomes and more savings to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the formal name for food stamps. Republicans have long argued that this expanded eligibility option is a "loophole" that permits those with higher incomes and assets to get public assistance." [CNN]

But now, even some wealthy people will be able to get food stamps. We see it all the time at check-out counters and then they climb into a Mercedes.

Read about it... and how Biden is leading us down the road to socialism.

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