Saturday, June 12, 2021

Cyrus Vance going after Trump with a vengeance

Manhattan DA Likely Squeezing Trump Organization Rat, Says Mueller Pal

Manhattan prosecutors may have found their “insider” as a grand jury considers whether charges are warranted against former President Donald Trump, according to a top prosecutor in Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation.

Andrew Weissmann, a former Justice Department official and FBI general counsel, said reports about the testimony of a senior Trump Organization official may be a game-changer for the New York-based inquiry.

Trump denies any wrongdoing and in February decried what he dubbed a “new phenomenon of ‘headhunting’ prosecutors and AGs.”

As Cyrus Vance is investigating and interviewing everyone imaginable, probably intimidating  them if they don't reveal confidential information, etc., Read about who they think is the insider

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