Monday, June 21, 2021

Bureau of Land-Management Biden appointment

The Biden-Harris regime’s appointments to the administration have been nightmares going back to Interior Secretary and “Water Warrior” Deb Haaland, but with the nomination of Tracy Stone-Manning as Director of the Bureau of Land Management they’ve broken new ground.

They’ve nominated an actual eco-terrorist who collaborated with EarthFirst sabotage. Stone-Manning received legal immunity in exchange for her testimony in a 1993 criminal trial according to The Daily Caller. It is highly likely that given the preponderance of evidence against her, the Democrat would’ve been convicted had she not flipped on her fellow eco-terrorists.

Read this... you won't believe it!

And this reminds me of Ryan Hartman. Everyone living in Lake Worth back in 2016 remembers Ryan Hartman, who I found out later was a cop hating anarchist and was a member of EarthFirst,described as a radical environmental advocacy group.

After a sit-in in Palm Beach Gardens where he got arrested, he cleaned up his act and ended up running for commissioner, recommended by the late commissioner JoAnn Golden.

He wanted to save our beach from the commission at the time who was planning to turn it over to developer Hudson Holdings that all sorts of idea for our beach park, even a hotel. that got my attention! Later he admitted to being an anarchist. As it turns out, he was not one of my better political choices and a mistake. But it taught me a valuable lesson--to do the research myself on candidates.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that guy, ran against Scott That was a crazy election.
