Monday, June 21, 2021

Biden is a "puppet"

JEANINE PIRRO: He came to us a Trojan Horse

promising to be a moderate, affable, and conciliatory president. One who could reach across the aisle and unify the nation.

Instead, this so-called moderate began by immediately canceling the XL Keystone Pipeline, destroying American jobs and America’s energy independence along with it, earning him accolades from far-left progressives like AOC and Bernie Sanders.

But Joe is more than a Trojan Horse. He is a puppet. The question, of course, is who is pulling the strings? Who in the White House is calling the shots? Who in truth is running our country?



  1. He has to be the worst president in history

  2. If you actually compared the policies of presidents, you would probably find very few presidents that you liked.

    Some people loved Roosevelt, some people hated him. Some people loved Nixon, some people hated him.

    What about Clinton: same thing.

    We're just pawns on the chess board.
