Sunday, May 23, 2021

Obama slung the Sh*t at Trump

Obama Called Trump a 'F***ing Lunatic' and a 'Racist, Sexist Pig' in Vulgar Rants

Dovere, a staff writer for the Atlantic, reported on Obama’s remarks in his new book “Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Trump.”

Read about the rest of the disgusting stuff Obama said.

Obama never got over the "birther" thing.


  1. I think Obama is pulling Biden's strings.

  2. haha, still bringing this up,huh? He was born in Hawaii.

  3. this isnt the same copy of birth that was shown before

  4. You would think that Barry would be more concerned about his being Gay and his time in "the down low "club, Michelle being a Tranny and their kids being rentals from their "close friends" who were always hanging around.

  5. Irrespective of where Obama was born, he had an American mother, and that automatically qualifies him to be President. John McCain was born in Panama.

    As far as what Obama called Trump, it's no worse than what Trump said about Obama. This is not helping our country.

    John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had a terrible fight, and didn't talk for years. Look at the things Nixon used to say. It's not important.

  6. There is no civility today. No one in Thomas Jefferson's time would have said things like that.
    But it's hard to deal with liars and the left-wing mainstream media bias.

  7. @!1:57...McCain is a natural-born citizen since his parents were citizens at the time of his birth. His father was in the service and they moved around a bit.

  8. And so was Obama's mother. Read the Constitution! Ted Cruz was born in Canada. You just can't have it your way. This isn't Burger King.

  9. You're probably right about that Lynn. Both were also from good families. Jefferson was very wealthy and cultivated. Adams was the President of Harvard.

    Both men were educated and refined, but that didn't stop them from running a bitter campaign against each other, with lies and mud-slinging on both sides.

  10. @3:51.
    This is about WHERE Obama was born. Not whether or not he was able by law to be President.
    WHERE. that was something he always denied.

  11. Far be it from me to defend Obama, but maybe that was what his family told him for some reason. Maybe he had two birth certificates. I would like to see them side by side.

    His mother, who was an unconventional person, may have liked the idea of him having been born in an an exotic location. I actually know of a similar case, only it wasn't Kenya.

  12. It was never Kenya for Obama's father, it was Chicago. Politicians make up their own backgrounds...look at "Camelot" another way of saying "our Dad was a womanizing bootlegger."

  13. An interesting comment 9:18.

    I actually try not to think about the Obama's too much, however, it's almost impossible with their classless tasteless comments in the media, more and more frequently.

    Obama is the creation of David Axelrod. A brilliant man, but he certainly did a disservice to the country.

    Although, Obama is not unique. We've probably had more bad presidents than good ones.

  14. 11:28 I'd prefer the Obamas disappear with their Billions but they stay in the spotlight manipulating with Netflix and books packed with lies. Maybe someday a "daughter" will write an expose' yet their minions will deny everything.

  15. The Obama's are still very young. When you think of that HAG, Nancy Pelosi, you can calculate that they have many years to torture us.

    That is if you let them!

    There is a book I am reading about the Bush and Obama years. Read that, and you'll know what Obama is really guilty of. Not this Chicken Crap stuff.

    Sorry, I just have a problem putting vulgar words in print!
