Sunday, May 23, 2021

Epstein's guards just weren't doing their job!

Officers Guarding Epstein During Death Admit They Falsified Records

Cut Pending Deal With No Jail Time

The two prison guards — Tova Noel and Michael Thomas — assigned to guard Jeffrey Epstein on the night that he died have admitted that they falsified prison records and have cut a deal with federal prosecutors.

Read about it... We all knew it but now they have confessed.


  1. These two were told to "get lost" or else . 100% they or their families were threatened or paid off. Count down to Tova and Michael "ending it all because they couldn't take the guilt for not doing their jobs".

  2. I don't know why you would feel like ending your life over something that trivial. He's dead! Case over. Can't imagine how the press has kept this alive so long.

  3. Case is not over if Epstein was murdered

  4. They can't ever prove that. It's just chasing shadows. Like Jimmy Hoffa. No one under 90 cares about it, but it gives some people a job.

  5. It's not so much Epstein but who was on the client list and wanted him dead.

  6. Yes, but who cares. What does that do for you? We have real problems here. These types of people have existed since the beginning of time. At one time the entire French Court consisted of nothing but scandalous affairs and what we would call indecency.

    And they didn't even have running water. Everybody had Syphilis.

    Only Technology changes. People never change.
