Thursday, May 20, 2021

Massive Surge of Fentanyl at Border

Smuggling At The Border Has The Border Patrol Scrambling

In a recently released statement, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has stated that there has been a massive surge in the smuggling of Fentanyl creeping across the United States border. The agency has, so far, seized more of the dangerously potent narcotic already in the first few months of this year than it did in the entirety of 2020 as a whole.

“Customs and Border Protection seized more Fentanyl so far in 2021 than all of 2020,” ABC News stated this past Tuesday. “As of April, 6,494 pounds of Fentanyl were seized by authorities at the border, compared to 4,776 pounds in all of 2020.

Fentanyl is an incredibly potent opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine.


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