Thursday, May 20, 2021

Facebook Restricts free speech by Republicans

Facebook has me restricted for possibly 30 days for something Ted Cruz said:


  1. I'm not on Facebook or Twitter. Can't stand either one. How do they get away with this garbage?

  2. Dumpstercrats get away with murder.

  3. @4:12...start seeing the light. Has Biden done even a poor job at best?
    Ilhan Omar is an enemy of this country. Israel is the only democratic country in the Mid-East and they are our allies.

  4. It's ok for Jill biden to say "go F yourself to Kamala Harris" but not a comment from ted Cruz? Ridiculous.

  5. To coward at 4:12..Anonymous attacks should not be allowed on the blog...The only redeeming feature of the post is how obvious it is that you are less than a person...and no one could take such a coward seriously.

  6. It's easy to attack people under anonymous 4:12 What a dunce.
