Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Derek Chauvin


  1. Kangaroo court at its finest. Maxine Waters needs to be impeached and removed from Congress. This is not Justice.

  2. He was thrown on a political sword to prevent riots (ordered by Maxine).

    I am not saying he isnt guilty, I am saying he didnt have a fair chance. Lets hope this never happens to our loved ones.

  3. It's absurd to believe that Chauvin had intent to murder Floyd. An impeccable record for 20 years and all of a sudden he wants to murder.
    The jury didn't get it right. If anything, it only should have been manslaughter, accidental at that.

  4. Lynn, The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.

    Maybe 20 years is too long to be on the force. Had he ever been promoted to LT? Why didn't he become a detective?

    What I see here, is a narcissistic, bitter man, who never achieved rank, or recognition.

    Well, now, he has been recognized.

    Apropos to the deceased: The mental institutions are still there, but the politicians don't have the political will to refit them and hire personnel to put all of these mentally deranged people back in them. They expect the police and you and I, for that matter, to just make the best of it. It might not have been a day at the beach to be in a mental institution, but it was better than what we have now.
