Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Apple allowing Parler back on App Store

Apple Backs Down, Will Allow Parler Back on App Store

The news is seen as a major boost for the First Amendment

Apple has approved Parler’s return to the iOS app store following improvements the social media company made to better detect and moderate hate speech and incitement, according to a letter the iPhone maker sent to Congress on Monday.

The decision clears the way for Parler, an app popular with conservatives including some members of the far right, to be downloaded once again on Apple devices.

Read about it...


  1. No Social Media company in existence today has the knowledge base or the staff capable of discerning what is fake from what is truth...Further, they do not have the right to yank content off of their platform because the content is counter to their platform's agenda - yet this is exactly what FACEBOOK AND TWITTER do... Apple will now control what Parler will post/publish, so Parler has become yet another social media minion for Apple, Big Tech, and their unholy alliance with the forces for Globalism. Of course, with successful Globalism we will have the replacement of the Middle and Working Classes with a single Peasant Class. This is the end game...a Ruling class that includes Big Tech and Big Pharma, and a peasant class - the workers that are unknowing slaves to the system--what the leftists desire to be.

  2. So right and concise, Dan.
