Friday, March 19, 2021

Washington Post refuses to Retract False Article

Washington Post Refuses to Officially Retract Fake Georgia Fraud Trump Quote

This week, the world learned of how The Washington Post published a false story, relying on a single source of information which turned out to be untrue.

The story concerned the major, national news of President Trump making a phone call to Georgia State representatives regarding election fraud. Democrat Party officials relied on the fake news report to form the second impeachment case against Donald J. Trump.

And the entire story was FALSE.

Read about Bezos the Bozo

1 comment:

  1. They corrected the quotes which really weren't that far off the mark.


    "The official claimed that, on the call, Trump said Watson should “find the fraud” and could become a “national hero” by doing so.

    But according to a newly surfaced recording of the call with Watson, Trump did not in fact use those exact words. He did say she could find “dishonesty” in Fulton County, and that “when the right answer comes out, you’ll be praised.” But the language of the quotes the Post attributed to Trump were not accurate. As a result, the Post had to run a prominent correction. Trump and conservatives are now scorning the paper, and even some mainstream reporters are looking askance and wondering how it happened.

    And, wouldn't have impacted the impeachment.
