Friday, March 19, 2021

The Entire Biden Administration is a Fraud

Judge Rules Against Michigan Secretary of State in Election Case

At what point will our nation begin to realize that a media chirping about "a few irregularities", or "not widespread", is little more than fabrications to cover up revealing facts? There weren't a few, "widespread irregularities" in this election, there was purposeful manipulation, which is fraud.

It may also be too late to alter the results of an "irregular election". However, as the real story behind election fraud in 2020 becomes clearer, one fact will become painfully obvious. The man that is currently the leader of the free world should not be. Maybe the radical leftist cancel-culture elite will allow Joe Biden to be labeled as the "irregular president."

Read about it... and the ruling that found Michigan's Secretary of State guilty of purposefully calling for city clerks to ignore voter signatures on the state's millions of absentee ballots.