Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Madness of Liberals

Michael Moore Claims Republicans Are ‘Trying To Kill As Many Americans As Possible’

Michael Moore has to be one of the most fuc*ed up people in Hollywood...he borders on insanity.

He went on a rant during his insane statement after another.

As he called for amnesty to be given to millions of illegal aliens, Moore said that white Americans’ ancestors all came to America “by hook or by crook.” That is such BS.

“To many of you — not those of you who are descendants of slaves, or the native peoples of this land — but everybody else, man, you, me, we got here because our people — grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-great-great-grandparents — they got here by hook or crook,” he said. “They figured it out.”

And this nut job believes what he says!

Read about Michael

1 comment:

  1. Moore and other far left are cancelling themselves and yes he's crossed that border to insanity. Upset that he's no longer relevant to the younger crowd.
