Saturday, March 27, 2021

Don Lemon fits his name

Don Lemon Gets Bad News As Former CNN Producer Demands Network ‘Step In’ And Stop His ‘Dangerous’ Rhetoric

A former CNN producer is speaking out this week to demand that the network “step in” to stop host Don Lemon from continuing to use “dangerous” rhetoric. This came after Lemon claimed on Tuesday night that Americans were at imminent risk of death during a rant demanding more gun control.

Just Don Lemon's comments in general about racism IS racist, he just doesn't get it. He, through hard work in this country, rose to be a top anchor in journalism and is one of the highly-paid individuals in the United States. Don Lemon's salary is $4 million while his net worth is roughly $12 million.

Spouting racism at every opportunity, even in his new book, is very profitable. Nothing like being divisive as a news "journalist" with a fake and false opinion.

Read about Don...

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