Sunday, January 3, 2021

Omari back in the News

Omari Hardy, newly elected to the Florida Legislature, urges Mar-a-Lago shutdown, citing video of maskless New Year’s Eve party

Omari, who hates all things "red," wants to shut down President Trump’s private club and legal residence after citing a video circulating on social media showing dozens of people at a New Year’s Eve party without masks. And he wants everyone fined. Such a guy.

Of course, Gov.DeSantis lifted all statewide COVID-19 restrictions on businesses. DeSantis refused to issue a statewide face covering mandate. He said that local ordinances can remain in place but local officials can't collect fines from scofflaws.

So, Omari, instad of posturing like he always does, should have looked up the state law. "DeSantis has effectively banned localities from enforcing mandates in the state since he put an order in place prohibiting them from collecting fines for violating Covid-19 restrictions."

So, local officials can require face masks but they can't enforce it and they can't fine anyone either. Omari would be better suited living in New York, Michigan or California where freedoms are suppressed.


  1. Omari doesn't care about any of this. He's just trying to keep his name in front of you at all times. (You're helping him with this Lynn)

    Maybe he would like to challenge Lois Frankel next time.

    Let's just forget about him for awhile. A year and one half, at least.

  2. I don't plan of forgetting this punk and I do plan on following his every move in Tallahassee.

  3. lynn thats what you call free press.hope you put a much in for those running for office in lake worth

  4. @2:43...don't know much about any of those running for office in LW other than the incumbents.
    We got to observe Omari over several years to find out he was a racist punk.

  5. I wonder if Omari had this much venom in his blood when he watched the George floyd funeral(s)?

    Nobody else was allowed graduation, weddings, or funerals, EXCEPT floyd.

  6. Unfortunately, his PR stunts are just beginning. Anything to grab a headline and the fake news is always willing to assist.
