Sunday, January 3, 2021

Face Masks

Ex-NYT Reporter, Kurt Eichenwald, Wants To Beat Anti-Maskers to Death, So Actor Nick Searcy Makes Him an Offer

When I see someone without a mask in an enclosed public place, however, I try to keep in mind these interactions likely aren’t where COVID transmission usually happens, judging by the meager body of scientific study we have to go on.

I also think private businesses and other enclosed public spaces should be able to say whether or not you have to wear a mask — and if they say you do, they have every right to eject patrons who don’t. If they say you don’t have to wear a mask, I have every right not to patronize that business or enter that public space.

Kurt Eichenwald is far more hysterical about wearing masks than is Omari Hardy as an example but equally as irrational.

Read about it...

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