Friday, November 27, 2020

Rallying for Election Integrity

Another MAGA Million March planned for December 12

The organizers of the large march and rally in Washington this month say they’re planning an event that could potentially draw even more people in the nation’s capital on Dec. 12.

The date is significant because it’s two days before the Electoral College electors meet in their states and vote for president and vice president.

Read about it...

Dec. 14, 2020: Meeting of the Electors. electors meet in each state and cast their ballots for president and vice president. Each elector votes on his or her own ballot and signs it. The ballots are immediately transmitted to various people: one copy goes to the president of the U.S. Senate (who is also the vice president of the United States); this is the copy that will be officially counted later. Other copies go to the state's secretary of state, the National Archives and Records Administration, and the presiding judge in the district where the electors meet (this serves as a backup copy that would replace the official copy sent to the president of the Senate if it is lost or destroyed).

Dec. 23, 2020: Deadline for Receipt of Ballots. The electors' ballots from all states must be received by the president of the Senate by this date. There is no penalty for missing this deadline.

Jan. 6, 2021: Counting of the Electoral Ballots. The U.S. Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes.

Jan. 20, 2021: Inauguration Day. The president-elect becomes the president of the United States.

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