Friday, November 27, 2020

President Trump Deserves our Gratitude

President Trump deserves our thanks

"His administration restored our respect among nations, he ushered in the greatest economy in American history, he fought for the average worker and traditional values, and he took a ton of abuse for doing it.

The reason Trump deserves our thanks is that he never had to do it in the first place. He has his billions, a great family, and great homes. He had conquered more than one profession and endeavor. Why did he want to voluntarily put himself at the mercy of lowlifes from both parties, from RINOs and goosesteping Democrats? Perhaps, because he loves this country and can see with a sharp eye that the basis for its success is being sacrificed on the altar of authoritarian socialism.

They threw every vicious line, every lying canard, every false charge, and every bit of corruption they could muster from their dark twisted psyches at the man and they still couldn’t fairly beat him. But alas, if only politics was about fairness."

Read all about it... at LifeZette.

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