Sunday, November 29, 2020

Hunter Biden Cover-up

Text Messages Show Joe & Jill Biden COLLUDED To Cover Up Hunter’s Actions With A MINOR

"New text messages show what’s going on behind the scenes of the Biden family and it’s horrible.

It’s no wonder why Biden recently flipped out on reporter, Andy Mehalshcick from WYOU.

Questions and controversy continue today about Hunter Biden, your son, Mehalshick began."

Joe Biden, of course denied it and blamed it on Trump, the Democrats excuse for everything rotten for which they are responsible. One of Saul Alinsky's rules is--"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." And the Democrats have been doing that for four years...deny, deny and deny and blame it on President Trump.

Supposedly Joe Biden got 80 million votes. "Keep the Pressure on" Republicans, another one of Alinsky's rules. We can learn too!


  1. The end game is easy access to children. Remember the two Coreys, Hollywood is in on it. The goal is to claim Pedophilia a "disability" and all the benefits of that. Hunter Biden is the poster boy.

  2. Quote from Edward Bernays, author of Propaganda and evil genius who convinced women to smoke by campaign "Torch of Freedom" "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in Democratic society."
