Sunday, November 29, 2020

Biden will Reopen the Swamp for Business

Biden’s ‘Return to Normalcy’ Is Going to Be Terrible

He's already re-opening the Swamp with his recent appointments.

 Biden's "normal" was a system in which constitutional boundaries were routinely overridden in the name of left-wing policy priorities; in which nasty rhetoric by Democrats was written off as a natural byproduct of the right’s innate evil; in which alternative news sources were treated as conspiracy outlets.

That’s the “normal” the media and Democrats wanted.

The old normal was bad for America. That's why Donald Trump was elected. It's why Democrats nearly lost the House, and why they seem poised to not take back the Senate. We can only hope as we really do need to go back to "normal" which means Republican control of the Senate.

Read this great article! and although President Trump did try to Drain the Swamp, it was deeper than he ever realized.

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