Saturday, November 21, 2020

Higher Judge Rules for Trump Campaign

Pennsylvania Judge Reverses Court Ruling For Trump

He Just Ordered Allegheny County To Throw Out Undated Ballots

Just recently, Rudy Giuliani alleged Pennsylvania had 682,770 ballots “that weren’t inspected,” and should in turn be rejected. He also claims there were “two different standards” in parts of the state.

Read about it...


  1. "HARRISBURG — More than 2,000 undated mail-in ballots cannot be counted in a western Pennsylvania state Senate race, an appeals court ruled Thursday, saying handwritten dates 'provide a measure of security.'"


    Has nothing to do with Trump. It's a state Senate race.

  2. You guys all suck.
    "They’ve alleged multiple examples of voting irregularities, including suspected votes cast by deceased individuals, failure to properly oversee the counting process, and undated ballots.

    Well, the President’s campaign has finally earned a victory on one of those points: the undated ballots from absentee voters.

    A judge just handed Trump a much-needed win and though it won’t change the state’s results, Donald’s team undoubtedly considers it a step in the right direction."

    That's what the article said!
