Saturday, November 21, 2020

Democrat Conspiracy Theorist wants to reeducate 75 million Trump Supporters

DNC Member Suggests 'Deprogramming' 75 Million Trump Supporters

"I can’t imagine the psychic energy it must take to persist in politics in a country where you believe the other side lives in a kind of Jonestown archipelago, persisting in cult-like thrall to a toxic leader whose orders have arrayed millions of your countrymen against all that’s good and pure."
Read about this nut job...


  1. Look at your blog, Lynn. Full of fake news, conspiracy garbage. Hardly anyone comments anymore because it's so loony and out there. Donald Trump is your savior and he can do no wrong. You and the wack jobs who can't get over him losing are a sad bunch.

  2. I know how many read it every day. It does attract whack jobs like you who love to comment.

  3. I never watch CNN (Communist News Network), or the other fake news outlets. BUT, if I didnt like to read these posts, I would delete my membership 4:37

    If we choose to like the color green better then blue, its our opinion, and our prerogative. Idiot.

  4. "delete my membership"

    Okay, Grandpa. I think you got mail on your aol account.


  5. @10:15. You knew exactly what he meant. That's the trouble with Democrats.
    Hey, start reading the Constitution or something educational. Start with Amendment 1.

  6. The anonymous, socialist posters --- should not be allowed to voice their ignorant and seditious ideas on this blog.
    This is not a blog for socialists, it is a blog for real Americans.

    Let the little cowards (posters too afraid to say things in person) post on leftist blogs or scratch graffiti on restroom walls.
    Of course, I'm not really sure which is better and which is worse :-)

  7. You know who the REAL coward here is, Dan?

    The blogger who selectively edits her comments section.

    Biggest candy-ass in Lake Worth. Talks real big. But can't back it up.

  8. To anonymous socialist at 7:39...

    YOU don't get it. Leftists dominate the mainstream media...the propaganda forces of the globalists. People like you are cowards because you post anonymously and because you will not have discussions in person. No one the posts anonymously has any right to have their post displayed. Moreover, this is a conservative blog, and listening to your utterances is as obnoxious as hearing a child molester brag about the joys of playing with children. But of course, socialists are worse.

  9. anonymous jerk above. read the blog policy for commenting.

  10. Blog Policy:
    Blog and Comment Policy

    Appropriate comments only. Speak to the issue, not the author.

    Inappropriate comments contain content that

    are lies
    Are abusive, harassing, dumb, disrespectful, threatening
    Are obscene, vulgar (I will edit or delete)
    Are racially, ethnically or religiously offensive (my call)
    Are illegal or encourages criminal acts
    Are known to be inaccurate or contains a false attribution (this happens with frequency)
    Impersonates anyone (actual or fictitious)
    Solicits funds, goods or services, or advertises.
    I reserve the right to delete a post I have written due to new information or something I have written that has been proven to be incorrect.
    Please note: the opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Lynn's Little Bit of Trivia. We accept no responsibility legal or otherwise for the accuracy or content of this blog or its comments as it is all opinion.
    Anonymous posting has been enabled. It is used by this blog from time to time. You can also have an ID: Google account, blogger ID, TypePad, WordPress, AIM, etc. Speak to the issue, not its author, or your comment will be rejected. And do not think for one minute of attacking this author. It ain't gonna happen. Do not attack other bloggers/citizens--no name calling--no personal attacks--who post comments unless they post anonymously and you have signed in with your complete name..then you have my full blessing...try to give facts to support your comments. Commenting on a public figure is okay but again, use fact if at all possible. Keep it clean.

    E-mails are treated with common sense. They are not confidential unless you specify that they not be forwarded or re-printed.

    So, ANONYMOUS, if your comment was rejected, it is because you violated this Blog.

  11. That' silly Dan. The whole point of blogs is to air differing opinions. What do you want, clones? You know that Dan. You just weren't thinking.

  12. 6:46...that may be YOUR point of a Blog but then, you don't write one.
    It is NOT the point of this blog...your ideas are better suited to Facebook.

  13. I see this Lake Worth blog more like a friends and family and neighbors level coffee table discussion. The people that sit at the table, are people we enjoy talking to. This is how this blog is supposed to function. This is not a blog belonging to an anonymous socialist is Lynn's blog..and it is what she wants it to be. Is that easy enough to understand?

  14. The point of this blog is to make Democrats, minorities and Muslims look like scum and elevate Republicans to saint status.

    Don't you people pay attention? If you don't like it, go to another blog.

  15. @9:01 the point of this blog is to promote truth and the conservative perspective. You just don’t ever seem to get it right. But, Democrats ARE sort of scummy now that you mentioned it.
