Wednesday, October 7, 2020

"Listen to the Science" says Pelosi to Trump

‘We have to do better’: Pelosi says she hopes Trump’s bout with COVID-19 ‘will be a signal’

Nancy Pelosi said that she hopes Trump will “listen to the science” after coming down with COVID-19. That's exactly what he's been doing Nancy! However, scientist to not lead this country, the president does. And the country is slowly re-opening.

All we hear from the Democrats is the number of deaths. In a country of approximately 332 million with 210 thousand deaths from Covid and even some of them are questionable) equates to 0.063 of our total population.

President Trump has done an outstanding job fighting this China virus and has been listening to the scientists from inception.

GOP Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy argued there should be more consideration for the well-being of President Trump and others following the commander in chief's coronavirus diagnosis.


I guess the Democrats are shocked that our president is out of the hospital and not dead!


  1. I feel the same way about 9/11. Only 3,000 Americans died. That's like .0000047 of the total U.S. population. Why do we get so upset about it when millions of workers go to work each day and come home.

    Same thing about school shootings. We send millions of kids to school each day and every now and then, 10-20 are killed and don't come home in the afternoon.

    There's a risk for everything. People need to learn to live with the risk and not hide in their basements all day.

  2. @3:42...obviously you are "putting us on." I could say more about it but won't.

  3. It's exaggerated but there is a point to be made here. Americans have become very insulated against any kind of a tragedy befalling them. Terrible things happen to people every day, and we not only don't know about it, but couldn't care less.

    If the English had responded to the London Blitz in this manner, there probably wouldn't have been any London to talk about today.

    A country that does nothing but commemorate the most recent disaster over and over again, doesn't have long to be #1.

    On an over crowded planet, I can't see the point of obsessing about losing a few million. On I-95, you wouldn't even notice they were gone.

  4. Hear, hear, Anon @2:46. We need to be thinking down the road. Do we really need all these older folks eating up our healthcare costs and insurance premiums? COVID helps balance the playing field and thins the herd. As a 37yo physically fit person, why should I have to pay for the 72yo lady who has a urology problem and who can't pay for it. My jacked up health insurance premiums shouldn't cover her.

    We are free to make our choices here in America. That's what makes it great. I choose not to have help pay for some grandma's healthcare through my sky high insurance costs. That's what this country is all about. We're not a socialist country.

    No offense to the older folks out there, but it's high time you start pulling your own weight. And if you can't and we lose a few of you because of it, you're such a small fraction of the population, what does it really matter?

  5. All those anonymous posts above are probably the same uncaring liberal.
    Medicare started when, 1966 or so? Most people who have retired paid into the system for this 3.8% of payroll. It's not exactly getting "free stuff." 4.7 million elderly live in poverty. Having Medicare helps them tremendously. It helps the welfare system. There are plenty of young people on s/s and health benefits from the government. Complain to your Democrat congressman if you think it's ok to throw the elderly over the cliff because your health care is too expensive. LOL. You have private insurance? How is this paying for granny or affecting your rates. Find an employer that provides health insurance instead of whining and being insufferable.
