Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Joe Biden and his Plan to "Fix the Police"

Joe Biden Makes INSANE Plan To ‘Fix’ Police By Sending A Psychiatrist On Every 911 Call

Biden claims that he’s calling for ‘increasing’ police budgets, but that’s just rhetorical sleight of hand because those ‘increases’ will only be for adding a bunch of psychologists and psychiatrists to the police force.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, there probably isn't one good psychiatrist in 100,000, and what psychiatrist would be interested in doing that.

    That's crazy talk!

    A psychiatrist sits in an air-conditioned office in an upscale high-rise, and probably has a button on his desk for any patient who looks a little funny. To add to that, they must make upwards of $300. an hour.
