Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Last Night's "Debate" was an embarrasment

Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate

Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

Read about the complete farce

President Trump, as well as Joe Biden, were not effective and in many ways, unimpressive. Trump kept interrupting and Biden kept lying, exagerrating and was totally disrespectful. Trump was debating Chris Wallace in many respects.


  1. Poor Chris Wallace; it was like "Daniel in the Lions Den".

  2. Everyone is lashing out at Chris Wallace today. I'm not sure it is entirely his fault that this ended up from start to finish as the biggest farce of all time. I would have liked to have seen him correct Biden every time he lied. But he didn't. So, Trump had to interrupt way to often which placed him in an unfavorable light. Biden was the most disrespectful candidate ever. I hated this entire, so called, "debate.

  3. Keep in mind Lynn: Chris Wallace is not running for President.

    Neither candidate displayed any self-control, or civility. What was Chris supposed to do: Lasso and Hogtie them?

    Anyway, it was exactly like I thought it would be.

  4. next they will charge us to watch the combat

  5. Oh Paaaalease! I'll put money on the amount of time each one was speaking was heavily in Trump's favor. Wallace was specifically NOT to fact check on the fly.

    While Wallace was trying to get them to stop interrupting each other, a statement from Trump stands out "well he's doing it too" sounding like a third grader.

    I was embarrassed for them, us and our country.

    Conversely, it is fair to ask Biden of his great plans and ideas, "what HAVE you done in 47 years?"

    With all the bellyaching the liberals are doing regarding the nomination of Barrett, I immediately vividly remember Pelosi triumphantly walking across the steps of the capital with a huge gavel and the Bill, Obama Care, that you have to pass to read, without one Republican vote. The smug B is feeling karma and deserves it. I am enjoying watching her squirm.

    Both sides are disgusting and are drifting further apart. The eventual outcome can't be good.

  6. No, it can't be good, I agree with you there. But how you could be embarrassed is beyond me. We've been headed in this direction for a generation.

    Didn't Archie Bunker embarrass you for our country. It may have been funny, but it was as coarse and disgusting as it gets. This sort of entertainment opened the door for our lewd and uncivil discourse. What about Howard Stern? Didn't that embarrass you?

    You have a lot of thinking to do!

  7. You're the only thinker around I suppose at 2:38
