Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Chris Wallace and his Ridiculous Question

Chris Wallace Calls Out Trump to Tell His Supporters to Not Riot!! WTH? After BLM-Antifa Rip Apart the Country!

"The final question of the night by debate “moderator” Chris Wallace was to ask President Trump and Joe Biden to tell their supporters not to riot.

Violent leftist groups have rioted and looted in city after city across the US since May. Leftist rioters have caused over a billion dollars in damage. In Minneapolis over 1,500 buildings and businesses have been damaged or destroyed."

Read about it... Chris Wallace asked an inappropriate question to suggest that the Right is the political side causing riots.


  1. Why the stupid Republicans agreed to Wallace I'll never know! Can you imagine this question, "Vice president Biden, The Democratic party is the party of slavery,Jim Crow and segregation. Do you renounce racism and anti-black sentiment if you should win the election"?

  2. Come on man... questions to Biden by most media is serious questions.

    Mr Biden, does your name start with a "B?"

    Phew - tough on him.
